A Guide On How To Cut Durock Without Encountering Irritants

Thanks to Durock, its easier than ever to achieve professional quality results on your next tiling project. It may seem daunting to learn how to cut Durock. It is actually much easier than you might think.

Follow the tips below, and you should be confident in tackling your next home improvement project.

What Youll Need

When it comes to how to cut Durock, there are a few different ways you can get the job done. Either you can use power tools or your hands to cut it. Both ways are fairly easy.

Keep in mind that cutting Durock using a power saw can generate a lot of dust. If you don’t have the right equipment to mitigate this dust, you will want to stick to the traditional route.

What you’ll need to complete the task by hand:

  • Carbide-tipped scoring knife or a utility knife
  • Straight edge
  • Coarse file
  • Carpenters pencil

If you go the power tool route, heres what youll need:

Step I: Measuring & Marking The Durock

Measure your project first so that you know where to cut.

After you have taken your measurements, use a straightedge and a pencil from a carpenter to mark the Durock’s back. Now you are ready to start cutting.

Step II: Cut The Durock

This step will differ depending on whether youre doing it by hand or using a saw for the job.

Using A Scoring Tool

A carbide-tipped scoring knife can be used if you do the job manually. Theyre available for about and its a good tool to have handy. A utility knife with a new blade is an alternative.

Your straight edge should be placed along the line that you have just drawn using your pencil. Put your knee on top of the straight edge to keep it locked in place as you cut. Your free hand can be used to support the straight edge at the other end.

Next, run the scoring tool or knife along the edge of your line. Youll want to repeat this process several times so that your scored line is deep enough for you to break the board along the line.

Now, stand the board up on end, and place your knee against the Durock board on the outside of your scored line. The board will snap to the score line if you bend it back towards your knee.

You can use your scoring tool or knife for cutting through the fiberglass mesh at the back of the board. This will allow you to separate the two pieces completely.

This will leave you with a rough edge where you have snapped the board. To achieve a smooth edge, run a coarse file along it a few more times.

Using A Saw

A saw produces a more precise cut than a score line. However, a saw can produce a lot of silica dust which you don’t want to inhale. This method should only be used if you have the right tools.

Even with the proper tools, youll want to make sure youre wearing eye protection and a respirator to keep any residual dust from getting into your eyes or mouth.

Place the Durock board on top of your sawhorses. Turn on the saw and start to saw the board along the lines you have drawn with a carpenter’s pencil. Work slowly, and allow the saw to do all the work. Its that simple. When youre finished, youll be left with a nice clean edge that wont require any additional finishing with a file.

Final Word

This guide should help you to learn how to cut Durock for your next tile project.

Whether you go about it the old-fashioned way or use power tools, you can produce professional quality results with little effort.

This is a crucial point that I cannot emphasize enough. Only use a saw that can reduce or eliminate silica dust generated during cutting. This stuff can cause irritation and is not something you want in your eyes or on your mouth.

If you dont have the right tools for the job, just opt for a scoring tool, and you wont have to concern yourself with dust collectors, respirators, or any of that stuff.