Learn How To Cut Metal Roofing. Raising Your Roof Game

You will need to cut the panels to the right size when installing metal roofing.

Learning how to cut metal roofing the right way creates a better-looking finished product and ensures your new metal roof will last for years on end.

Cutting metal roofing can be daunting, especially for beginners. Not only does it require power tools and working around sharp edges, but making even a small mistake can damage the panels.

A little bit of knowledge can go a long way in learning how to cut metal roofing. It is very simple. It only requires a few simple tools.

Our step-by-step guide today will show you how to cut metal roofing like an expert.

What Youll Need

The best way how to cut metal roofing is with a power shear (also known as a nibbler).

Here’s what you need:

  • Power Shear
  • Combination Square
  • Marking Pen

To complete this project, youll also need a strong and steady work surface. You must find somewhere flat and solid to perform the cuts.

Like always, safety comes first. Though cutting metal roofing is a relatively safe project, you cant go wrong with a pair of sturdy work gloves and eye protection.

Step I: Prepare The Roofing Panels

Your first order of business is to prepare the roofing panels for the job.

Measure each roofing panel and make a mark where you plan to cut. In my opinion, measuring and marking all of the panels first is the quickest and easiest method to take.

Next, take each piece, one at a time, to your cutting area. You must have a level and stable work surface for the cutting area.

Although you can use saw horses and a sturdy work table, I prefer to cut my wood on the ground.

Place each sheet with the underside facing up. Youll want to make each cut with the underside of the metal roofing facing up to prevent damages to the side that will be visible upon installation.

Step II: Slowly Make The Cuts

Before you use your power shears on your metal roofing, make sure that your hands are not cramped.

Align the blade of your power shears to the mark that you have made on the roofing panel. Turn on the machine and start slowly cutting.

Be sure to work slowly, gently, but firmly through the metal roofing panel. Youll likely be surprised at how easily the shears cut the metal, but youll still need to apply some pressure.

Follow the line that you made on the roofing panel as closely as possible. Take your time to follow the mark exactly.

A roofing panel can be damaged if you make a mistake in cutting.

Step III: Finish Up The Job

It is very simple to cut a metal roofing panel using power shears.

The tool will move through the metal sheeting quickly and easily. There are likely to be some snags.

Don’t try to force yourself through a difficult spot if the machine stops, catches or slows down.

To cut through the tough section, you can change the angle of your power shears. You can then continue to cut like normal once again after youre through the tough spot.

Other Options: Angle Grinder And Circular Saw

Though its one of the best methods, power shears or nibblers are not the only way how to cut metal roofing.

Other options include an angle grinder, a circular saw, and tin snips.

Circular Saw

Those unfamiliar with cutting metal should stay away from using a circular saw.

Professionals and those with extensive metal cutting experience can use a circularsaw to cut metal roofing.

You can choose to follow these steps, but substitute your circular saw with power shears.

Angle Grinder

An angle grinder is another power tool you can use for cutting through metal roofing.

Like a circular saw, this method is best used only by those with some familiarity cutting sheet metal as well as plenty of experience using an angle grinder.

The steps for power shears are the same, except that the steps are almost identical. The only difference is that edges will likely be slightly jagged.

Youll likely be required to sand the edges for a smooth finish.

Final Thoughts

Cutting metal roofing can easily seem intimidating if youve never done it before. But its actually quite easy with the right tools and a basic understanding of the process.

Here are some DIY ideas for everyone to try after you’re done with your roof project.